I think this may be the best horror movie ever made. Extremely delicate in character and how it unfolds. This is literally the only movie I have ever watched two times in a row in a single night--my eyes were glued to the screen during the second watch through, so I could fully understand the plot. It was worth every minute. I haven't felt my mind so blown by a movie. Every scene, word spoken, and detail seems to have been done with perfect care--I am sure there is a lot that I have missed even having watched it twice. I will have to check out Osgood Perkins' other films.
I think many who dislike this film do not understand it. It demands your full attention. It is not for those with ADHD. Only fault I can find in the film is that it leaves certain plot points not fully answered and the reason for some events remain a mystery, but it can be argued that that adds to the films mystery. This might be the only film I've ever seen where an uncaring observer might miss the entire point of the film, but maybe that means in the past I was such an uncaring observer. Highly recommend this film.