I've heard about the story long before I found out that there is a movie. Through research, I've read columns, watch documentaries, videos, listened to people's statement. Of all the real-life horrors I have known, this is by far the most gruesome, scary, sickening, sad, and unforgettable horror for me. I can't even imagine a heartbreaking, frightening torture that a child have gone through until she succumbs to death... unimaginable.
This scared me to hell, not to mention women, children, people, are experiencing this terror. If only I am rich, or capable enough, or have the ability to rescue, help and shelter people going through this, I would.
I am only a girl raise by a single farmer mother, with a brother to edify, who believes simple things can make a huge difference.
I am someone not afraid of watching horror movies or gore films, yet real-life horror scares me and if I'm going to watch this movie, I might go crazy. People are more scary and this is one example.