**Fan of the games, but never read the books**
BIGGEST COMPLAINT: why on earth doesn’t Master Chief wear his helmet more? I know they were trying to humanize him, but it made him way less cool. He’s almost never in full armor either, this was not what I was expecting, or wanting as a fan.
I grew up thinking he was the coolest looking “hero”, but the Master Chief they have portrayed, with him rarely even wearing his armor, is just a “pretty strong soldier”.
Aside from that, this is a slow storyline, many terrible actors, focusing WAY too much time on Kwan, and an element in episode 8 that was mind boggling that they went with.
My friend asked me to describe the show in a few words, I said “middle aged women talking to each other a lot” haha.
POSITIVES: When there is action, I really enjoy it and wish they incorporated more action into the show. Fans of the halo games obviously enjoy shooters. So give us more of the action of a shooter.