You guys are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with some of these women. First you have Lisa, who is obviously bi-polar. No wonder her kids are so mentally unbalanced. She is so out of it, its like she's on drugs when she's on, or off all the time.
Then you have the drag queen Erica, who clearly has Daddy issues. Ewww, she is so gross.
What is a wrong with the old chick, the brunette. She instigates arguments and when she's called on stuff, she runs crying..."stop, you're being mean".
Who is the pink haired lady who gives sermons on positivity. She's so passive aggressive. She deflects right away, and then cries when someone is being honest with her. She needs counseling...she has some previous trauma in her life that is definitely unresolved.
Love the need more accomplished, educated, wise women.