This series is supposed to take place after the original, but im afraid the writers have put a twisted plot on that. The original series gave action and dialogue. This series is limited action with dramatic dialogue 75 percent of the show. The killing of staple characters from the original to bring one of the most boring sagas to the screen, the onslaught saga. The limiting of wolverine would be okay but we literally were given 6 stories of Cyclops and Jean like at this point enough is enough, 97 had the chance to explore more of the team besides the main 4 ( cyclops,jean, wolverine, professor x) yet the episodes have cancelled wolverine and give the other 2 bigger roles. If season 2 will be like this I rather it be cancelled. The action and dialogue is what made the original fun and exciting, this is just a drama show ( think reality show meets hbo spawn with less action) Terribly disappointed, but due to it being over 25 year plus the masses will accept this 2024 dramatic action-less new addition. With an elite catalog as Marvel has you would think xmen 97 would build off what the avengers did in theaters and what the original series represented, instead we get twisted plots on the same characters that we know, while others members are stuck in the closet. The villain pick was the over cooking of the favorite 4 and leads to more dramatic moments for them as they hold a strong presence in this pre onslaught story line.