Awful. I'd say it was rushed, but it took 3.5 years for what is basically a glorified update. What they actually did in that timeframe is still baffling.
Rubberbands constantly, rendering it completely and totally unplayable. It's not lag, it's not hardware (32gb Ram, RTX 3060, 5600x), nor drivers nor anything else. not a single found "fix" works and this doesn't happen on any other game on any other library. Just this one.
It wasn't "free" either, my copy of OW1 got deleted for this garbage, so technically I paid for this.
Wouldn't buy another Blizzard product if I were held at gunpoint after this s**tshow.
If you've rated this 5 stars, you're either simple and easily amused, never owned the original for comparison, or you're a shill. Take your pick.