The Watch on BBC is impenetrable if you don't know the books. If so you are among the lucky ones.
If you do know the books then it is difficult to follow but when you realize what is happening it is nauseatingly bad.
Someone forgot to tell the producer and actors that Pratchett books were supposed to be fun. The author was a genius who wrote great plots with great characters. I can't say that about the people who dropped this turd on TV.
Vimes is OK.
Carrot is OK.
Cherry is ridiculous the actor/actress may be fine but they
apparently only had about 7 actors to choose from for the show.
GoodBoy is not the size of a dog but fits in the hand and
rides in Sybil's pocket unnoticed.
Detritus is somehow vulnerable to crossbows, new for a piece of granite.
Vetinari is not a thin obvious graduate of the Assassin's Guild, but
a heavyset woman.
I can't even describe Lady Ramkin but she is not in this show.
Angua is a pitiful wretch which should be put down, out of her
misery and ours, not the superwoman from the books. Naked, dirty and looking like you were dropped from the fourth floor is NOT the same as sexy.
This show is an absolute insult to Sir Terry Pratchett (deceased)
Hogfather was great.
Good Omens was great.
Making Money was good.
Going Postal was great.
The Watch was apparently produced and written by people
left over from destroying Dr. Who.
(No I do not object to a female Dr. I object to bad plots, terrible writing, and several very mediocre actors.)
The Watch seems to have been produced to kill off any future movies.
On the up side, it is on TV, you can watch something else in the
time slot, and ... sorry, can't think of anything else nice to say about this.