Battlefield 3, relased to compete against Modern Warfare 3, the game brought about many new things that were either rare or never before seen in the franchise. Additions like: Laser sights and flashlights obscuring your vision, 64 player matches, and a really messy beta. (Oh wait, that's pretty normal.) The multiplayer is some of Battlefield's best; featuring the chaos and large scale battles the franchise is known for. Along with the return of Rush from Bad company 2, the fun but cointained Team deathmatch, and fun little extra like gun master, and air supperiority. It's still one of the best the franchise has to offer.
Though Battlefield 3 had one of the best new editions. A campaign that managed to compltely miss the point of battlefield! I won't dwell on it too much, though it's terrible. Most of the mechanics that make Battlefield, well Battlefield; are missing or underplayed. No bullet drop/travel time, a pretty generic story involving Russian nukes of all things, and a protagonist who is so punchable that you wonder how he hasn't been killed yet!
Overall, multiplayer good, campaign bad.