Very disappointed and on-and-off bored by this film. Everything was spelled out for the viewer; awful cliches (good old Granddad.... oh no?! what's that? slight cough and hospital appointment? Wonder what that means?); the policeman's 'serious' act over the Turkish Delight 'crime'. ("Just like they did in those days so we hear"), the Omo - let's put a laugh in here. The film was superficial; about great black and white filming, honed acting but it all tried too hard to look like it hadn't tried too hard. I squirmed in my seat. The bit where the elder son threw a brick to his Dad to throw at the gun toting man.... so corny. Oh yes and regular parallels to cowboy films. Compare this to the rawness of a Mike Leigh film where there is mood and subtlety and authenticity. My partner thought it was great by the way.