Gotta say, was really into series 1-3, good story line, binge worthy watching a few episodes in a row when it ended on a cliff hanger.
But season 4 had way too many fillers and not enough storyline. By fillers I mean too much cowboy'in... riding fancy horses that can skid to a stop, or running cattle for extended periods that had nothing to do with the main storyline. I understand that it's showing what that life's all about, and we all love a bit of country music, but when about 25mins of a 1hr episode is just filler, it gets difficult to stay with it.
After season 4 I said I won't be watching season 5 as I thought it was milking a dead cow. But here I am watching season 5, thought might as well see of its got some action back. But I'm on the final episode tomorrow and in all honesty the whole of season 5 has just felt like one big filler. The amount of actual storyline could've been produced in 1 or 2 episode, somebody must have worked a lot of magic to stretch it out for 8 episodes. Also, it feels very rushed. There still seems to be a lot of loose ends that need tying up or things that need to play out. That's why I said the whole 5th season has felt like one big filler, like you are going to stretch it out for another series. PLEASE don't stretch it out for another series ffs! Lol. I don't know how it's all going to tie up in the final episode, I imagine it's going to have to finish open ended and I'll have to invent my own theory. Tbh I'd rather that than watch any more.
This is no reflection on the acting, as I think it's all been done very well, very believable, it's just the story, and amount of, has got too weak to continue. No offence but blame the writers.
Mayor of Kingstown for me next...