I am here to counter ALL you high star reviewers. You should’ve watch the show before this stupid, dumb, movie that messed up one of the BEST shows ever created on Earth. And to all of you saying “The show can’t compare to this,” well how about this, GO AND WATCH THE ACTUAL SHOW BEFORE WATCHING THIS. The characters aren’t even good at their parts, Sokka is too serious, Katara isn’t as light-hearted and motherly like in the show, Aang is just a scared kid who can’t fight, and everyone else is just bad. Go watch the show first, after the show, I’m sure you will regret your high star review. Everyone else has already said everything bad about this movie anyways, go watch the actual show, I know I keep saying that but go watch the show. Also stop saying “I don’t get why people hate it” and “If you like the show then you should like this” because that means you’re not a true fan and have low standards below the infinity of negatives. Go watch the show, go watch the show, go watch the show.