The first three seasons of Better Call Saul are for the most part one gigantic bore-fest.I don't know what the producers had in mind when they decided to make a strictly second-string character the primary focus of attention.Nobody really cares about Saul and his so-called descent into the dark side of the drug underworld. The show gives way too much time in showing Saul pitiful life and struggles that have really nothing to do with Breaking Bad.Instead the show should have focused on the two bad guys who are the real interest characters everybody wants to see: Gus Fringe and Ermantrout---their the ones that gave BB it sinister aspect and it is they who do the same for BCS;which doesn't start to happen until the fourth season!
The only reason to watch BCS is that your a die-hard fan of Breaking Bad and you want to how Fringe and Ermanrtout started on their paths to crime;otherwise i can't recommend watching the first three seasons.