Dealing with the current events is perfect, but the dialogue shouldn’t escalate the issues and promote violent activity, victimization and divisiveness as in:
“...if I give myself permission to throw a brick at the police station”.
”...yeah, I know I’m privileged because I’m white; I get it”.
“ do realize that “I’m not racist” is kinda the club slogan of racism and that’s because we live in a culture built on white supremacy”.
“...when people who look like me make any kind of mistake, we go to prison or even worse. And way to often, no mistake is needed. We can laugh too loud and they’ll arrest us; we can put our hands in the air and they’ll shoot us”.
I agree that there are many concerns that need to be addressed, but this kind of dialogue on a television show that should be entertainment and an escape is, in my opinion, over the top. There were no solutions or non violent way forward presented. Throw a brick at the police station? And the march at the end was great; just not reality. In reality, the “peaceful protestors” would be jumping on cars and setting them on fire. Hopefully, the one minute ending might show how it should be done. Would have been great if there had been more of that in the show.