You know your show is hitting all the marks when butthurts start whingeing as if ATN was a real news network and (sob, sniff) EVEWYBODY'S AGAINNNNST US. THE LIBS AREN'T FAIIIIR. It's fiction, you towering intellects.
Season 4 was stupendous. Most of the characters had sutble, but satisfying arc ends:
Logan: Dead in a box. Where's your trillions now, Mr. Mur... er, Mr. Roy?
Kendall: His desperate sputtering monologue as he tries to convince Shiv to vote for him... about the kid he murdered: "that doesn't matter. It didn't happen". This is what happens when Daddy solves all your problems, there, heli-parents.
Shiv: Do not get me started on this entitled mediocrity. She treats her husband like garbage. He is kind of a buffoon, but she is a vile narcissist. The stuff she says to him should be marriage-ending, but he lets her tear him to pieces and comes back for more.
Roman: Gets all the best one-liners. His breakdown at his father's funeral was very moving. In fact, that was probably the best scene in the series. Not sure what screw is loose with him. The show doesn't bother to tell us what becomes of him. No closure at all.
Connor: It irritates me how underwritten they chose to make this character, for reasons I don't quite understand given that they had Camero... that is, Alan Ruck. Where is his ending, writers?
Tom: I can see how his ending was right for his character arc. Also not sure if anyone noticed how Matthew McFayden's face changed throughout the series. Season 1 Tom had weird smiley-face grins as he tries to get a footing as the commoner marrying into royalty. By Season 3, when he finally wakes up to Shiv's abuse and comes into his own power, his face is Byronesque glory. His ending "I got you" scene with Greg was perfect.
Greg: For those who don't understand the character: HE IS WRITTEN THAT WAY. Have you ever known a living butt-monkey? Someone unpopular who stammeringly tried to change his stars only to be made fun of even more cruelly? That sputtering is realism, and it's tremendous acting.
Mummy, Peter: Harriet Walter and Pip Torrens: Two of my favorite classically trained British character actors. She excels in everything - Killing Eve and Sense & Sensibility spring to mind. He disappears into roles like the Queen's majordomo in The Crown. And they got to wrap their filming in the Bahamas - not bad.
Marcia and Kerry: Marcia offering her hand at the funeral was a crowning moment of heart.
Andrew Skarsgaard: I'm sorry, were you talking, dude? I was distracted by your hunkable self doing an imitation of your Dad's Swedish accent. Rowr.
Statler and Waldor... that is, Frank and Carl: Hell YEAH they sang a maudlin Irish drinking song in that home video
Gerry: Not sure what they were aiming at with this character. She started as a strong intelligent woman and then got pegged only as cougar arm-candy to Roman.
Stewie: I legit want to hang with this guy but use a fake name and make sure he never gets my home address
Self-Proclaimed Election Winner Donald Tr... er, That Guy From Modern Family: what a douche. That is all.
My final verdict: Best "Marry/F444/Kill" cast ever. I change my mind by the minute on those...