LOL at the people who lack any degree of media literacy and think this movie says "both sides are just as bad". Spoiler, it doesn't, and in fact it purposely avoids making a political statement at all really. Anyone who is fuming over this film because they think that's what it's doing is just projecting their own political insecurities onto it. These reviewers really should turn off the TV/computer and go touch some grass.
That said, as a film Civil War aims to spotlight the horror and atrocity of war as a generality. If its attempting to make any sort of statement then it would be towards war journalism. The film constantly questions how extreme of a career it is, the tole it takes on the journalists themselves, and whether or not what drives those journalists is ideological, thrill seeking, or acquiring some sort of notoriety.
Civil War's imagery is haunting, it's story is competently crafted, and the overall it is a unique take on a genre that is desperate for some diversity in tone and perspective. Overall if you're looking for engaging war film this is definitely worth your time.