I’m sorry but… here’s the TRUTH.. forget about all these other fake ratings.. I am a HUGE matrix fan and this last matrix SUCKED. I went to the movie theater to see this movie super enthused and almost jumping from the excitement of FINALLY seeing the next chapter in the matrix.. because come on, who didn’t want to see what happened after Neo made it to the machine city. Something no one was able to do in hundreds of years. Neo who as we all know had Awakened his powers fully at the end. To a point that whatever we thought he was good at before, he was better at now. He took his powers “OUTSIDE OF THE MATRIX” remember what he did to the machines while on his way to the machine city?… Well this new matrix doesn’t touch on ANY of that in the slightest. It just focuses on a weaker much softer more talkative version of what I’m sure they think the cancel culture would like to see. This movie just felt like a HUGE attempt to appeal to a society who didn't have a problem with the story line to begin with. I can really detail things like other people who are Critiquing are, but my point isn’t to spoil or tell you NOT to watch the movie. Go right ahead if you want to. I am just SO disappointed by what they had me wait all these years for I mean its Unfathomable, so I chose to write a review for the first time in my life. They should just reboot that whole last movie and do it all over. Just toss it into the “April fools” pile it deserves to be in. I know someone who can’t binge two thirty minute Netflix shows back to back without falling asleep., who binge watched the original Matrix trilogy back to back on the same day in preparation for this movie and they loved every minute. MIND you, that was the first time they had seen the Matrix. I brought that same person with me to the movie theater, and they not only were bored out of there minds. They immediately stated the second the movie finished, “that movie sucked.” To put the icing on the cake., As if the entirety of the movies slap in the face wasn’t enough… we stayed after the movie finished., to see if they were going to show anything els like a hint to the next movie for example, as you know most people do.. and if this review doesn’t summarize just HOW MUCH OF A JOKE this movie was.. then that clip after then end credits to this movie will do the job. And I’ll leave you guys with that.