I loved this and will be waiting for another season. Funny though binge doesn't have a way to show what you think of what they screen. I don't think I have reviewed media before but was impressed enough to want to. I wish there was something on our planet that could stop us from destroying earth. What gets to me most is how people forget we are not only destroying our only home but also billion's of other lifeforms in our quest for money. Money being a man made construct. WTHAFARK. I watch the damage influencers are causing with their shallow selfishness and I am appalled by home stupid our species is. We need to be saved from ourselves. I like the example's of the ingrained behaviour we go to first. How can we kill something. How the lack of importance to other lifeforms are given. How we believe that we are the only intelligent species on our planet. How we don't learn from our mistakes. How we don't realise how everything can be related to something else. I am looking forward to seeing how this show will progress. Some may learn from it how not to shite in our own nests.