Transformers is the best 1980’s Animated Series / cartoon. As a fan of Transformers, and still getting the G1 toys and some of the Marvel UK comics, alongside some G2 ‘Generation 2’ toys and comics as well, this is the best toy line and cartoon there is!
Optimus Prime and Megatron are undeniable stars of the 1980’s and the soundtrack and intros are timeless and will never get old.
Transformers The Movie is a fantastic film, and is better than other Transformers films that followed. Unicron is timeless, and Galvatron is just a fantastic character. The Marvel UK Comic is definitely the best , with ‘Target 2006’ , ‘Wanted: Galvatron Dead Or Alive’ and ‘Time Wars’ alongside the entire original strip that lasted up to Issue 289, in September 1990.
A incredible hand drawn animated series and a fantastic toyline that has survived to this day!