2nd worst movie I have ever been to. Not only will that be two hours I will never get back but I will have to work very hard to suppress the memories of how awful it was. The writing and directing was a train wreck. I wish I could say the plot was bad but it would be complimenting it to say there was enough cohesion in the movie to have a plot. It was a Frankenstein jumble of random scenes with misappropriate attempts at humor. Stirring in a few lumps of serious problems like cancer and children dying and children kidnapped and terrorized by a deranged madman (ripping creature heads off in front of them as they cry for their parents), but that was tragically and horribly trivialized because it didn't do anyrhing to slow down the swamp of bad jokes and out-of-context silliness surrounding them. And of course they throw in the woke and corrupt sexual relationships and language now as if it is accepted and required as a badge of hollywood misplaced duty. They go out of their way to show flashbacks about all the women Thor has been with across the galaxy prior to Jane. To the point of even showing Thor sitting and howling with a wolve women on the back of another beast (wonder what families think of those scenes?) Where have the movies about heros and storytelling for families gone?