Thank you for addressing this Topic.
Personally I have experienced this with a charity organisation and I'm glad to create awareness.
" I approach a "seed funding program" through a women support group of a friend from senior high school, in other to be assisted to have a sewing machine for one of my skills as a bag maker. After all the presentation during refreshments i was approached by the convener who I presented my skill set to. Till date I don't know what my friend said to the convener but she was interested in my skills set especially with hospitality background.
Although I was troubled with emotions because of past truauma. But I was working and life was not at a standstill.
Then for her to aid me heal from these physiological problems.... took me almost 4 years on her side to help her build her organisation to launch whilst she offers employment but no salary negotiation, gave me what she thinks it's okay for whilst I was helping other women on daily basis as her PA and administrator.
All the while the promise was help me and I will help you. I realise I was giving more of service which was not balanced with the promise and she tried to keep me away from all my skill. Financially I was drown but she didn't seem to care when I had to listen to her and help her as she was taking years to do the the things she promised which I made several complaints. she rather found me pesteringand nicely avoided me and kept saying i was heavy(that gave me the impressionshe can't help me, but was so naive and believedin thepromises) .
I came to the awareness stage when i was highly indebted because even when i didn't have money i will borrow money and get to work with my self assurance that she wil give me. I still had to borrow money from her to pay off tĥose bills. I got sting by wasp in her office and she didn't care until of if her closest people saw me in the office, lost weight and no support was rendered and this is just on one occasion. They will always support you under conditions, she can gift me 500 cedis and still ask me to run errands for her, by the time you done you've used the money and when i complained she said im ungrateful but that was the sort of relationship. A lot more I experienced but will share these few for awareness. I made a massive shift from her and her organisation and now I'm well off.
" My point is they make it look as if they are the only ones giving help without acknowledging the fact that the receiver actually the giver but not with the financial resources.
I will encourage others to be mindful what we offer at our lowest.
I have a lot more to offer and I'm interested in helping people develop and not to confind them and make them feel used.
Thank you.