This movie broke my heart. I recognize it was a story from a different time when we didn’t understand animal emotions but, please remind us of that.
Hachi lived and died a sad dog. That’s a tragedy.
He suffered from severe attachment issues and separation anxiety. Rather than opening the gate *spoiler alert* and telling him you love him and let him fend for himself, wait day after day for someone you know is never coming home, and not allowing him to grieve and continue living, they could have helped him—let him sniff the clothes, go with him to the train station, etc. Dogs are intelligent, sentient beings who understand the world in their unique ways.
Yes, this dog’s devotion is beautiful, but not surprising--they’re amazing. But, Hachi’s treatment and the misunderstanding of the life this poor dog lived day after day, waiting, is gut-wrenching.
I’m sorry, Hachi.