The movie wasn't good. There were some good scenes but they got shadowed by the pointless love plot that the movie was trying to display. I understand that the creator was trying to prove a point but that's not the way to do it, and if you do decide to do it in the future, make it have sense, part of the story even, otherwise, it makes it a pointless filler. I mean who falls in love in in a week? That's just bad writing.(And this is coming from someone who doesn't agree with lbgt stuff). Another thing is, the movie is a bit confusing, perhaps it was me, but I wasn't sure about when and where the movie was set to be? Was it set in europe?it would explain the different accents but it could also be US, the same thing was the time period? If it was modern day then 3 of the backstories make no sense, but anyways I digress
Other than that, the movie had potential, if there is a sequel, I'll probably watch it.