The movement is fluid, controls are good when you're used to them. The game has an open world but honestly Runner's Vision ruins it because its
basically the easiest way to get to places. I know you can turn it off but
there are places where it seems impossible to pass almost without Runner's Vision.
The difficulty of the game is easy, its a game where the AI's are stupid.
I was literally looking at KrugerSec and they couldn't see me.
Combat is bad, I see potential but really the best way is to just punch and
go around enemies. The combat is also uncreative.
Everything modern gaming has put into the industry is here.
Upgrading is stupid, I mean all of them are locked for missions until you beat them.
Story tries to do too much. So many characters are jammed in there so I
feel no emotion for them.
Overall, it's an okay game. The online features and UGC are basic, don't get excited.