Really it's over rated and the movie is flawed in many ways. The concept was good. But i wonder why directors resort to cliched ways to portrait the villains.
Reasons i find worse in the movie:
1. People who are different are already struggling to fit in the normative stereotypical world. I think this movie makes it worse for them. The antagonist is shown to have werner syndrome and his rejection seems to be the reason for all his killings. I think the director is not responsible to portray this in a country like India where entertainment influences people in everyday life.
2. I hate to brake this to everyone. In real life, criminals look just like everyone else and they need not have a back story or syndrome for committing crime. Most of the psychos do it for pleasure.
3. And the typical portrayal of the heroine in the movie. Just remove her and the plot will seem just fine. I don't understand when these mocies will be sensible enough to portray the women atleast half important as they are in real life.
4. I would request everyone who belongs to be the part of this movie to watch the movie "Wonder" by Stephen Chobosky to understand what i am trying to say and where they failed terribly.