For me it was very touching experience. I do not exactly know why it Is getting do much hate. For me it is even better then the first one. It can bring you feelings and can lead you to thinking about yourselve and how would you act in the shoes of the characters. From my point it is closer to the very good book or a movie as anything ever produced in AAA games.
Probably the best looking game ever produced on consoles and maybe ever, especially the characters, performance capture and smoothness of animations and transition between gameplay And cutscenes.
Mechanics are great and fun to do. It Is still a chalange especially on higher difficulties and sense of survival and low ammo is always there.
My advice Is play it if you have a chance and made your own opinion, but this Is definetly not a game to skip based on the internet rage and spoilers. You will love it and maybe not, but the experience is more then worthy of your time.