Loved it! Young teens and tweens don't always 'get' complicated metaphors so I love how obvious this story relates to the challenges they face today. We need more stuff like this for them. As an adult, I thought it was fun to watch! The romance was a little rushed but I think we saw enough to fill in the missing pieces ourselves. I also kinda like that the romance was rushed (cuz it skipped all the awkward stuff that similar movies are full of - like when the characters melt because their hands touch!!! lol). I'm sure their's other issues with it that I missed but who cares - it was still definitely a winner. I just hope the haters don't 'cancel' it because of some flaw they find - like they often do. If you don't like it, share your input and then move on to something you do like, don't ruin it for others. Also, I hate the cliff hanger so I hope they get the sequel going quickly.