I waited a few weeks for this book (library) to see what all the fuss was about (did NOT read the lower reviews before reserving it), and I'm not sure it was worth the wait.
The first part of the book was engaging, I did actually enjoy Feyre as a ML at first, and I found the world-building pretty decent. Not that it was anything new, what I expected from this Fae world is exactly what I got. Actually, it stands to be mentioned that the first few paragraphs of the book made me wonder if I missed something, like another chapter.
Anyway, I found a majority of the book relatively interesting and the romance was okay.... then the last 150 pages or so dropped me into some kind of weird, painfully predictable, fairy dystopia. When Feyre was sent away and didn't say those three little words, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt; after all, she definitely didn't understand the concept of love based on her life before they met. The little redemption arc with her family was puzzling but I didn't hate it.
Then... then this girl lost her mind. I have no idea what happened in that cave, but I lost all ability to empathize with her and the bizarre, lusty little love triangle was completely unnecessary.
And the riddle!! Even if she didn't understand the concept of the correct answer, there was a consistent theme throughout all the curses cast, and yet it apparently never occurred to her that the theme would continue. If my fate was left up to her I would've lost hope immediately. Plus, the ending...?? She felt conflicted by her actions? Really? Why didn't I find that believable at all?
Girl. Give me a freaking break.
I can't relate with her internal conflict, and despite her emphasizing how much she cares about other people, how much it kills her to hurt them, this girl is just so selfish. (Also what's with the heart of stone thing? That was so random).
I just... have no interest in reading the rest of this series. I don't want to be further disappointed.