I loved the movie soooo much the short movie trailers were right it has the best action in dc I’ve ever seen also great acting and great comedy every now and then this movie overall was the best dc movie I’ve ever seen and it was my favorite movie of all time to I literally post edits on TikTok of this great movie.The only thing I don’t like about this movie is that it is too PERFECT just kidding but it really is prefect it also has a great sound team they did great in the music soundtrack and audio loved it soooo much.This movie is great I guarantee you will love it so I don’t know why people are saying the movies bad and like they haven’t Evan seen it yet like really,and I don’t care if it’s getting some bad reviews the movie was just %100 great I’m literally listening to the sound track right now like it’s that good so yes go watch the movie write your review and it better say from Me a of how of great movie it was hopefully in the future will make more money on it and maybe there will be a second like Suicide said that got a lot of bad reviews and money but once again I though that has good action just not a great plot but there making a second one witch I’m confused about because the first one didn’t make much money so maybe they will make a second harleys birds of prey movie if sooo I would be so great full to see that lovely face of Margot Robbies again!