I went out to watch it cause my friend likes the main actor, but i dont think this role is for him or maybe the its the fault of the writer because it wasn’t really that fascinating. The main keeps getting into accident after another and another. Its like he’s an idiot that doesn’t know what to do but just do it to fulfill his father wishes ignoring professional support. Even thought the professional wasn’t really helping either. It’s like this whole mission was a fail from the start, no backup plans. They also didn’t consider to prepare for the trip and just rush the whole thing which is super unprofessional. The main character really didn’t make any development. And there were too much drama off screen. It just seems like a stupid plot. No shade to the actor i think it’s more of the writer fault to try and make the movie more ‘heart breaking’ by making the whole space craft community and other proffesional jobs looks like an idiot because this is no where realistic in real life. It’s like the main didn’t learn from his father mistakes. Like give the main some time to learn up to his mistake and grow but they didn’t too much stuff happening no time for rest. It’s not like gravity or the martian movie, expected more for a space movie.