ما اتصور الى اليوم احد يستطيع ان يكتب حقيقة الرئيس العراقي صدام حسين وحقيقه عائلته خصوصا بعد تدهور احوال العراق بهذا الشكل المرعب اما من ناحيه احداث المسلسل فكأن اصحاب المسلسل جمعو معلوماتهم من اشاعات الشارع العراقي المسلسل عباره عن حكايات صغيره كان يصوغها العراقيين ويتهامسون بيها ببيوتهم الي ينوي يخرج عمل عن صدام وعائلته المفروض يعرف يختار مصادره الموثوقه ويظهر كل جوانب هذا الرجل حتى لو كانت هذه الجوانب تظهر كذب وادعاءات امريكا وضد الاعلام الامريكي الي روج للحرب.
I don't imagine to this day anyone can write the truth of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the truth of his family, especially after the deterioration of Iraq's conditions in such a terrifying way. As for the events of the series, it was as if the owners of the series gathered their information from rumors in the Iraqi street. The series is about small stories that the Iraqis were formulating and whispering about them in their homes that they intended A work on Saddam and his family is supposed to know, choose his reliable sources, and show all aspects of this man, even if these aspects show the lies and allegations of America and against the American media that promoted war.