I have watched Josh Gates, Expedtion Unknown for years now and really enjoyed his adventures. I have been interested in Paranormal-Spirits and Big Foot-Yeti UFO most of my life since childhood have had personal experience and have come face to face with the Paranormal Spirits-UFO during my life. I am a veteran with a Top Secret Classified Clearance, after Military became a Policemen working SWAT TEAM-Detectives-Gangs-Narcotics and other assignments retiring after 30 years a Division Commander, Captain Southern California. Then went to work with different goverment agencies overseas as a contractor, and body guard. I also have a Master Degree in Human Behavior. Just wanted you to know i am not some nut job. I have watched several differant televison shows on Paranormal and hunting Bigfoot. Your show Expedtion X, with Ken and Barbie are a joke, with a 90 pound girl who obviously has no exsperience in the outdoors hunting tracking or how to survive in the woods. Then her partner who loves bugs go out in search of Bigfoot with just a camera crew. What are they going to do should they come face to face with this creature in the forest or when she enters a cave with just a flash-light, anytime she hears a loud noise or thinks she see's something in the woods she becomes emotionally scared. What they are doing is dangerous not to be taken as a script for televison. Every other show i have watched on hunting bigfoot they are heavily armed and ready for any attack should the creature become hostile towards them. I would think the producers of this show might be liable should any of the crew or actors be killed or seriously injured by one of these creatures, while filming this show. Just my thoughts-Good Luck and Stay Safe. Semper Fi.