Couldn’t finish it. I LOVE zombie movies but this was a tough watch. Not only was it very boring and relied on cheap jump scares but the zombie writing was very inconsistent. In some scenes the zombies would stand there and gawk at the people instead of ripping into them, like any other zombie would, whereas in other scenes they charge at the first sight of humans. I would get if you wanted to change up your zombies or “infected” for this movie, but keep it consistent. I hate that cheap zombie sneaks up on you cliche, it’s a cheap attempt at a scare and terrible writing. Zombies aren’t stealthy—they moan, groan and in some cases, scream. It’d be one thing if they established that the infected could be stealthy at some point in the movie, but in this case it’s as if the zombies only behaved like zombies when the plot requires them to and the movie needs to pick up pace. We have almost no conversations between the characters and the movie just painstakingly fills its run time by having a group of silent survivors walk through the zombie-less forest, over and over and over and over again. Definitely not the worst I’ve seen but it’s DEFINITELY not worth your time. And I tried—I really did try to give it a chance and had to call it quits about 15 mins before it was over, I was just over it. Guess all foreign zombie movies can’t be winners.