I feel ripped off by this movie owing to the many positive reviews this film got. But after watching it I don’t know why it’s reviews were so positive. The acting was good but the plot and especially the ending was terrible. My theory: This is the type of movie that people pretend was great because it makes them feel smart or art appreciative or are afraid if they say the truth thier friends will think they’re dumb or didn’t get it , so they write good reviews. There is nothing to get. It’s also probably why every blogger “ loved it!!” ( Hint: if all you read about a horror movie is- “The tone of the movie” , or “ the look” of it is so engrossing , prepare for disappointment)
I promise if you too don’t like it, especially after the ending, you are not dumb; You are just someone who took an hour and a half to figure out your friends and bloggers tried way too hard to be trendy, sophisticated, and smart.
Feel free to skip this movie, you won’t be disappointed you missed it.