The female contestants on "Celebrity WOF" act like bobble heads! They come across as if they have no concept or objective of how the game is played!!!! OMG.... I enjoy Leslie Jones. But NO MORE (certain she could care less). After watching her act a lunatic; wasting valuable play time (screaming, yapping and overacting) has caused me to lose interest in watching any show she's associated with!!!! She was an embarrassment to watch!!!! Terri Hatcher and Chandra Wilson was like watching paint dry....... I am shocked they made it THRU more than 2 rounds...... I'm certain if they were regular contestants trying to amass as much money possible the celebs would be a bit more serious about how much time they suck up with their foolish attention seeking behavior!!!! So far, Drew Carey and the male player on the pilot show were sincerely believable contestants!!!! They got my cheers all the way!!!