This film was simply delectable. The characters were very 3 dimensional and were simply great and impeccable role-models for my children, Jonah, Daisy and Jim. They always wear the right trousers for school after watching this film, and they just can’t stop referencing this wonderful film. The animation is just simply incredible for its time. The details in the animation make it incredible and much better then any other film I have ever laid my eyes on. The storyline had so many twists and turns and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Almost as good as my favourite snack, ground beef pop tarts. The taste of the pop tarts simply describe the amazing visuals shown on screen. That’s how great the movie is and how valuable to me and my children, Jonah, daisy, and Jim. After this trip, my ex and I got back together after watching it together in the cinema. It was an absolute blast to the past. Me and my ex went to Hawaii and we had a blast surfing on the gnarly waves of the coast. Thank you Wallace and Gromit, because of you, I am no longer depressed. I will remember you for many years. Thank you.