This game has polarized the community around Overwatch. Many miss the 6v6 gameplay, many miss the old hero balance. To those people I say, keep giving the game a chance. I played the beta in July and when i first started out, it felt like trash- because i hadn't played 5v5 before. Once I had 2-3 hours under my belt, I started winning games very consistently. They tweaked the map designs to include more cover to off-set to removal of the 2nd tank. They boosted the survivability for supports and they gave a HUGE health buff to all the tanks- again- to off-set to removal of the second tank.
Launch day was a mess, sure, but they have been killing it recently and have formally apologized to the community. I haven't had to wait in a queue at all since Oct 6. They're giving away an amazing reaper skin for everyone who simply logs in on the 25th (also a weapon charm).
The battle pass is actually very fair especially when you consider the value that you get out of it. Granted, the free track battle pass rewards are kinda trash, but it's only $10 for the premium and there's easily hundreds of dollars worth of rewards available to unlock. They give you 2 months (63 days to be exact) to unlock everything in the battle pass. You don't even need to play everyday to unlock everything by the end of the season. They have daily and weekly challenges that give you mountains of xp. Honestly, this battle pass is the most fair i've seen in any free to play game.
Just be patient with the game and with the new balances, you may find that it's much more fun than OW1.