A masterful film directed by David Fincher that absolutely stuns from beginning to end, including the opening credits which are a feast. Rooney Mara captures Lisbeth Salander perfectly; her seething white-hot volcanic core is always in danger of spilling over, and yet her mind is fascinating to watch: cool, observant, and almost feral in the way she quickly forms and tosses attachments. She works skillfully opposite Daniel Craig's Mikael Blomquist, who is credible, appealing, vulnerable and attractive ...The film is cast from talented Swedish and British actors who all know what they're doing; there's not a clunker in the 2 hour & 18-minute film. Head and heels above the other films based on Larsson's materials, I wish Fincher had finished out the Trilogy, as I think he's one of a few directors who understand how to style such entertaining, provocative, and spellbinding vehicles for the classic Millenial-hacker character, Lisbeth Salander.