I am so mad at myself that I can't perfectly describe this anime. It is so well-written, props to the authors talent.
It is relatable regarding humans complicated emotions at different stages in life.
Everyone has weaknesses and strenghts.
But people usually dwell onto what they lack that they forgot to appreciate and be grateful for what they have that others don't.
Everyone can sometimes think selfishly and we guilt over them for considering them. But it is okay as long as we don't act upon them, everybody wishes for an easy route in life and we disregard whether they're ethical or immoral. But that's just in our thoughts.
Pushing everyone and everything away just to achieve that goal or expectation because we are getting desperate. However it is only rightful to build our own pace without competing with anyone. It is silly to overrun others whose treadmill is not structured in the same speed and distance as yours. And it is important to never meet anyones expectation or chase after a dream that won't satisfy your heart.
We refuse to ask for help because we fear of burdening them so we choose to work alone. If we think about it though, we are often accepting to others pleads of help. Because being able to help others and being relied on is a fullfilling feeling. You did a good deed to this person. And to the people who love you dearly, they won't ever endure seeing you suffering or in pain so of course you wont ever be a burden to them for sharing your struggles with them.
We also tend to blame ourselves for others misfortunes, because we feel like we played a role there that is why it is happening to them. But what we ignore is that it is unfair to punish ourselves when we're just the front seat passenger but not the driver when the crash happened.
These are just only a few things fruit basket has taught me, it reaches so deeply in my soul that I felt understood and consoled by a freaking anime. It made me laugh, cry, smile and happy. So beautiful, watch it please.