Why do GMB keep going on and on in regard to the parties the Conservatives had 12 months ago.!! Let it go it is now getting boring.
Plus I live in North Shropshire and yes did vote against the Conservatives, partly as a protest vote, to send a strong message to all the ministers to buck up their ideas otherwise they will be out.
But also the Conservative candidate selected did not even live in the area, he lived 50 miles away in Birmingham a inner city. He would not have a scuba doo on what happens in our Market Toens and villages, this was a real concern to many who live in North Shropshire, not so much on just wanting to beat up the government.
If you are going to report on an item of news, make sure it has ALL the facts and reported on correctly.
Finally you need to move on Advil, he constantly tries to make jokes and make light of many news issues. Let's get a proper news reporter rather than a comedian, just so poor.
It was sad that Piers went, you need to replace him with someone of the same calibere not these unemployable has been !