The Carpet Weaver is a historical fiction tracing the love story of a teenager Kanishka and his childhood sweetheart Maihaan.The story is set in Afghanistan in the 70s where same sex love meant shaming and death penalty!Eventually the boys get caught by some bullies and are physically attacked leaving them helpless and hurt.
The brewing political tension in the nation threatens to tear it up along with the two miserable lovers.Two different paths show up in front of the couple and finally destiny pulls them apart.
In the nation's political struggle,Kanishka loses his father and what follows is an escape journey in search of better living conditions.He faces laborious, backbreaking and life threatening situations along with his mother and sister.Once he reaches USA to lead a better life and possibly reunite with his love, yet again life suprises him with other plans!
~The author has ensured minute details about Afghanistan and it's culture transporting the readers deep into the story.
~His writing style is smooth and brave in choice of words.
~There are some contrasting viewpoints among the characters in the story which is not easy to accept and move on.
~The book is brilliant in it's depiction of same sex love in it's purest form.
It is quite unbelievable that this is the maiden novel of the author.I have previously read few works based in Afghanistan(thanks to author Khaled Hosseini),but this is my first read about the LGBTQ community.The best part from the book to me is how the author reinforces hope even in difficult times.