I am finally watching the series. I know that a known medium is an advisor? It's kind of confusing about close to facts of that gift and hauntings? I'm a medium truly and very successful but don't like publicity at all.
Anyway, a medium from birth like me would never scream every time something happens. In fact more than likely would never scream. She would also know about different hauntings because since birth. The show with the soldiers, had a weird explanation for the haunting. Imprinted or residual hauntings will stay where it was imprinted in time. She wouldn't be able to talk with them at all. It's a recording in time from a traumatic experience. Not an intelligent haunting where the spirit, entity can react to someone if wanted to. The show does give the sense of PTSD from war. Why have a consultant when you could of gotten clearer facts from a book or Internet. Other than that it's entertaining. I like the stars too. It's just that someone says consulting for authenticity is askew. I do know that people in the paranormal field get weird ego trips. That's why I like being in the shadows and do good work than shine for posterity.