JFC. I hate being this guy. Really, I do. But this series is hot garbage. It might fool you for a minute. It might even be able to do so for the first hour. But relax and wait, the garbage will eventually arrive. This thing is horribly, and I’ll say it again, HORRIBLY miscast. Harold, Nadine, Frannie, etc. are just bad choices to carry out the intended role. Or to try to carry it out. Don’t even ask about the race change of Larry Underwood. It’s unnecessary. And really bad. The actual actor isn’t bad, he’s again: MISCAST. And I’ll skip right to the dark man. Horrible. Just really, really wrong on every note. He doesn’t look, feel, or sound correct. It’s another bad choice of actor. Let’s reframe, shall we? These goons had a chance to start fresh. A chance to really nail the feel and sensation of the novel. And they had that chance granted to them inside a Covid vaccume. Yet, still they blew it. And not just by a little, but by a lot. This thing is hardly watchable. It’s an embarrassment and a shame.