Juliet and Romeo is the worst anime ever. I'll rather watch fairly odd parents with peanut butter in between my toes. I really want to see the battle pass have better skins next season but they never put good ones out. My dad works for epic games and he said he will get more ONE MILLION VBUCKS :)))))))). I am to pro at cranking 180's. I am OG. I really want wenegade waider. I think it is the bestest skin to ever come out. I also like the purple skulll trooper. TOday in class we are going to learn about my grandma cranking 60's and teaching me how to triple edit with NO MATS #PROFORTNITEGAMER #TTV #NINJA #TFUE #MYTH # TIMTHETATMAN # DRLUPO #SSUNDEE # CRAINER # HENWY # MORGZ #ALI A # FORNITE # SHREK # SMURFS # PRINCESS AND THE FROG #WHERE WE DROPPIN BOIS