Fantastic program, however I am bewildered how so many people seem to think that new types of batteries which will run all our cars and more will be such a benefit to this planet.
Unless there is a new way of making batteries that do not require the same materials to make as are now used the planet will have a battery mountain containing very dangerous chemicals also arent some of the raw materials that are needed in their manufacture in short supply and not easily obtainable especially in such vast quantities.
From listening to various programs and advertising people will get the impression that these wonderful new electric batteries are going to solve all our problems with no nasty repercussions.
Would someone please be honest and explain to the general public and maybe some of those in power that this change will be just another big big problem not for us but our children further down the line. The ramifications of this change to electric batteries needs to be completely thought through and discussed right now to reduce negative impact at a later date