Great to see mature young people embracing the Godly Principles that made the USA an exceptional county on the world stage. People are not breaking down walls to get out of the USA. We are putting up walls to protect the citizens of our country. Those that are blessed to be born here have to be educated on why the founders chose to make the new country a Republic instead of a democracy. Very few understand the significant difference between the two. The challenge is that I believe that most educators don't understand this either. It's like professors teaching business classes that have never started or managed a business. There is only so much theory that you can get from book, helps to learn first hand why businesses work. The same with our country, as reasonable person would have to research why so many people what to come to our county. Then ask them why they believe in the USA, when someone born here doesn't get it. It seems that to many professors what to express what they think the founding fathers meant, instead of reading the exact meaning from the actual writings of Washington, Adams, Websters etc. Dennis