I thought it was great that they wanted to rerelease these games... I was so excited to play 64 and sunshine, I grew up with those and I remember them being so so so good. And I heard they were even going to make some small improvements.
But they did a BAD job. Everything about these games is 100% better on the original consoles.
64 was the first video game I ever played. Back in that day, I didn’t notice or care about the fixed camera because i didn’t know any better. But after a lifetime of adjustable cameras, it’s so hard to play with the fixed. I don’t see why they could not have remedied this. It would’ve at least made the game playable amongst the other issues.
Sunshine’s controls are garbage. The controls on the GameCube controller were so intuitive and worked so well. But the buttons and controls feel clunky and wrong with the switch controller. Very poor button assignment.
Also, the movement for both these games feel hyper sensitive to me! I feel like I’m running around on ice! Or when I’m spraying with FLUDD in Sunshine it feels completely out of my control.
AND to top it all off, WHY is it so hard to do the 3-part jumpy flip thing? I swear i did not have this much trouble on the original consoles. I would do it all the time, I was Ya-hooing all over the place. But with these games he like takes a step or two in between each jump making it so hard to time it correctly. Terrible!
When it comes down to it, these games are unplayable to me. Especially because I know how it felt to play the originals. They kicked my nostalgia right in the cherries. So disappointing. You’re 100% better off buying a used Nintendo 64 and a used GamCube with the games if you really want to enjoy them.