Who is Erin Carter? on Netflix is mass of filmatic chaos, confusion and lies.
Where to start..
Erin Carter, the lead, is a married, Latina middle school substitute history teacher, and mom of a young girl, who lives with her husband in Barcelona.
Never mind that her husband is Hispanic as well, yet her name is the rather British Erin Carter, and her daughter's name is Harper..🤔
Beyond that, 'Erin' looks to be a very skinny 5'2 105 lbs, yet she constantly kicks ass vs. a plethora of bad-ass dudes and women who are constantly after her, or who are targets of her aggression.
But Why? Why does she have these skills, and Why does she engage in these super badass fights (like daily), when she's a teacher-homemaker-mom and wife?
Why does she constantly endanger herself and family beating up these mobsters while helping her husband's best friend cop who has a gambling addiction?
We're given no back story, not until episode 4, which is half way through the series. And THat's when we find out Harper isn't her daughter at all, even though Netflix lies to us in their episode writeups that she is! So basically Netflix lies about the plot, and just asks the viewer to believe whatever nonsense they tell us.
That's poor writing friends, and deceptive to say the least.
Even the tennis match scene makes no sense.. the scoring made no sense, and there's a crowd cheering and clapping for every point as if it's an ATP match on the pro circuit.🤔🙄😅
As you may be getting the drift here, NONE of this makes ANY sense.
I watched it while multitasking, because it's the only way to get through it.
If you don't believe me, read the endless one-star reviews.
As for the 5-star reviews (lolololol), I highly suspect they're plants by the producers..
One-half star for the ridiculously unbelievable Who is Erin Carter? .. Who indeed, and What was anyone thinking? ~ pdb