The problem with critics is they don't really live life the way the rest of us do. You cannot make "all the right turns" in a film of this story type, because life does not make all the right turns either. That's what made the film so real, so moving. We don't confide all the horrors of life with our parents, or even all our joys. We raise our children the best we know how. Somewhere along the way, they experience reality. We wish it weren't so, but it is. Susan is always Susan. She's brilliant in her reality, no matter what the character has to go through on the screen. Sam is truly a wonder. Thank god he played the husband here. Everyone was spot on. Thank you for another getting out of ourselves and seeing the world from a different perspective. We need that. Our world is a mess. Go within and "know", so you can truly feel the safety in living and in dying.