Mernie Doyle, I think you should really rewatch the whole series. It is so obvious that this Pope struggles with his whole life. You say he doesn't believe in God (who doesn't struggle?), yet in one scene it shows him praying next to his bed begging for God’s forgiveness for things he has said and done and asking for those things to be done to him instead. Plus what is the first thing he does when something important happens; he prays and the movie shows his prayers are answered. Someone who does not believe in God would not do that.
He never comes out and proclaims himself a saint; others do based on things he has done.
As far as the Bishop, he handled it. He did not send him to another parish with children he sent him to the coldest place on the planet. Homosexually is a huge problem within the whole Catholic Church. But it is only a mortal sin if the person acts on their homosexuality. It's really too bad this is just a movie because if it was real I do believe in time this Pope would have gotten to the real problem and solved it, unlike now where most of the church has been doing everything they can to cover it up.
I agree many things could have been done differently with this series but it is not real it is just a movie/series.
It was great though to see him grow in the series, as he put it he was once a boy who needed a mother figure (Sister Mary) and is now a man who needs a colleague.
I really enjoyed this series, just wish it would have gone into more detail instead of leaving us to come up with our own conclusions. But if I remember correctly the writer did that intentionally.
Looking forward to the upcoming series The New Pope. Glad Jude Law will be in it just wonder what the role will be that he plays.
Just the thoughts of a former Catholic.