After Watching is so called Movie upto 1hour 54minutes & 38seconds, I am still wondering, what Gajendra wants to show? a failed act of revolution? An all time dull, confused & speechless protagonist? A very careless, clueless Leader? Or a mess called as a movie? The movie even fail to be like a periodical drama. How many mistakes shall I count? The director like Gajendra Ahire done so mistakes.? The star cast was good. Vikram Gokhale done a fantastic job as usual. Kishor Kadam acted very sincerely, Neha Mahajan is pretty good. Pooja Sawant won the heart, he lead every frame she got. Music is quite good. Cinematography was impressive. But all the efforts of those artists became ground zero because of Film Director. The song ADHIR MAN JHALE is the only thing you can enjoy n remember till the end of the movie. Rest all is a mess. Big mess. Better to forget this mess...